Company Formation in Finland
Advantages of Finnish company formation
1. It’s easy to do business
2. Access to the EU single market
3. Strong economy
4. Low corruption
5. Tax benefits
Types of companies in Finland
1. Osakeyhtiö:
In many other countries, equivalent to a limited liability company (LLC). It is a separate legal entity, and shareholders are only responsible for their investments. It is a popular solution for small and medium-sized businesses, especially for those looking to register a limited company in Finland.
2. Avoin yhtiö:
3. Kommandiittiyhtiö:
4. Osuuskunta:
5. Toiminimi:
6. Osakeyhtiö osuuskuntayritys:
7. Sivuliike:
The most popular options for Finland company formation are the private limited liability company (yksityinen osakeyhtiö, Oy) and the public limited liability company (julkinen osakeyhtiö, Oyj).
Requirements for formation a company in Finland
1. At least 1 owner
2. At least 1 Director and 1 Deputy Director
3. Minimum share capital
4. Articles of Association
5. A bank account for transactions with the Finnish bank
6. Registration with the Finnish Tax Office for tax purposes
Documents required to company formation in Finland
You need to provide various documents and information to start a business in Finland. They can be different depending on the type of workflow you choose. Here is a full list of the most common documents and information required for company formation in Finland, often involving legal services for company registration in Finland:
1. Application for registration:
2. Articles of Association:
3. Consent documents:
4. Minutes of Board of Directors meetings:
5. Identification documents:
6. Confirmation of address:
7. Bank Account Maintenance:
8. Payment of registration fees:
Our assistance in company registration in Finland
Process of Registering a Company in Finland
1. Choose the company type
2. Business plan
3. Select a unique company name
4. Registered office address
5. Share capital
6. Articles of Association
7. Bank account
8. Submit the necessary registration documents to the Finnish Trade Register
9. Registration fee
10. Tax registration
Cost of Company Registration in Finland
Trade Register in Finland
Kaupparekisteri is the Trade Register in Finland. It’s a government-run registry where businesses and organizations must register to operate legally in the country. The Trade Register is administered by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH), which is the official body for the registration of names and intellectual property. Registration with the Finnish Trade Register is compulsory for most new businesses, including those seeking Finland LLC registration. This consists of sending a Start-up Notification in Finnish or Swedish. The recording must be captured by submitting it to the National Board of Patents and Registration contributions offices or mailing it to the postal box used by the NBPR and the Tax Administration.
Business Environment in Finland
Finland has a stable political system and a history of social and political consensus. This stability provides businesses with a secure base from which to operate. Finland offers a good business environment known for its stability, innovation, and competitiveness. It is a particularly attractive area for companies in technology, innovation, and clean energy. Finland has a reputation as an easy place to do business, with a professional workforce and clear legal framework. The World Bank consistently ranks Finland at the top of its “business fragility” index. As a member of the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone, Finland provides access to a vast single market with more than 500 million people. It also has strong trade relations with neighboring countries.
Taxation for companies in Finland
Taxation for companies in Finland is determined by Finnish tax laws and regulations; businesses need to understand the tax system to ensure compliance. Here’s an overview of the main tax items that apply to companies in Finland: The corporate income tax rate in Finland is 20%. However, tax rates can change, so verifying current tax rates is important. Dividends received by a Finnish company from another Finnish company are generally exempt from corporate income tax in certain circumstances. Dividends received from foreign companies may be taxable, but tax treaties can generally reduce or eliminate withholding taxes. Finland has a fixed VAT rate, which is usually 24%. There are also reduced VAT rates (14% and 10%) applied to specific goods and services. VAT returns must be filed regularly, usually monthly or quarterly. Different types of payments to non-Finnish residents include dividends, interest, and royalties. Taxes charged may vary depending on the tax treaty between Finland and the host country. In some cases, withholding tax can be reduced or eliminated through tax treaties or EU directives.