
How to Register Your Trademark in Canada?

Fintech Harbor Consulting | How to Register Your Trademark in Canada?
Reviewer: Bohdan Popovchenko

For firms, their trademark symbolizes their brand identity, and registering such a mark is essential in protecting it. This text will tell you how to trademark a business name in Canada with Fintech Harbor Consulting LTD.

Fintech Harbor Consulting | How to Register Your Trademark in Canada?

Understanding Trademark Basics in Canada

It is critical to understand all the properties and features of such signs. Trademark registration is a legal process that gives official recognition and protection to trademarks, designs, expressions, or symbols. Used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of a particular manufacturer.

Definition of a Trademark and Its Importance

It is a distinctive sign or symbol identifying one market participant’s goods and services. This includes firm names, logos, slogans, etc. Registering a TM  provides the exclusive right to utilize your logo.

Types of Trademarks Accepted in Canada

There are two types of signs:
  • A regular sign includes words and designs that distinguish the commodities and services of one market participant from those of others.
  • A certified mark can be licensed to a group of people or firms to show that goods meet specific standards. 
You should choose the optimal solution.

Canadian vs. International Trademarks

Several differences exist between Canadian and international signs, like the scope of protection. A Canadian option is only protected in the country, while an international sign is valid in over 100 countries. Each country approves the application based on local laws.

Steps to Register a Trademark in Canada

You submit your application to the CIPO. Let’s look at the basic steps involved in filing your application.

Pre-Application Research and Trademark Search

As with TM registration in other jurisdictions, you have to search. To avoid finding similar or already registered marks or words. To register a trademark in Canada, it must be distinctive, not just describe the products and services offered.

Completing and Submitting Your Application

Once you are satisfied that the TM meets the legal standards, you should apply with CIPO. The application contains information about the sign, its owner, and the products and services. 

Examination and Approval Process

CIPO will analyze the document to ensure that it complies with the law. The institution may request more data or corrections. Once approved, the TM is published in a special journal for public inspection. Find out how long for a trademark to be approved in Canada.
Fintech Harbor Consulting | How to Register Your Trademark in Canada?

Trademark Costs and Timelines

You must pay various fees to register a logo; let’s discuss how much to trademark a name in Canada.

How Much Does Trademark Registration Cost?

The cost of trademark registration in Canada is 458.00  (CAD) for the first class of goods or services. An additional 139.00 (CAD) is payable for each additional class.

Expected Timeline for Approval

You should know how long it takes to register a trademark in Canada. The common processing period for documents from the filing date is from 24 to 32 months unless there are any objections.

Fees and Additional Costs

It’s not enough to know how much to trademark a logo in Canada. Additionally, owners must pay a fee to renew their logos:

  • 555 (CAD) for the first class of products and services.
  • 173 (CAD) for each other class.

If you use an agent’s services, he will also charge a fee.

Protecting Your Trademark Rights

Knowing how to register a trademark in Canada and be proactive in monitoring and enforcing rights is essential.

Monitoring and Enforcement of Trademark Rights

To monitor your TM, conduct regular searches using search engines, social media, and various platforms. 

Renewing Your Trademark in Canada

It’s critical to know how long a trademark lasts in Canada. The renewal of a logo is a simple process. Fees must be paid every ten years.

Managing Trademark Disputes

To dispute a logo, you must first gather evidence and data to support your claim. This may include the registration documentation, proof of use in commerce, and examples of the infringing party’s sign. Then, consult with a specialist to determine the course of action.
Fintech Harbor Consulting | How to Register Your Trademark in Canada?

Common Challenges and Solutions in Trademark Registration

Entrepreneurs make standard mistakes when registering a brand, leading to refusal or insufficient protection. Below, we will look at the most common mistakes.

Rejections and How to Address Them

Most often, the refusal is related to the following reasons:

  • The proposed variant is not subject to registration because it is not a trademark.
  • The registrar does not have the right to register a logo.
  • The sign is similar to others previously entered into the register.

It is necessary to narrow the scope of goods and commodities in the application to overcome the difficulties.

How to Handle Oppositions

Oppositions are filed when someone believes the trademark conflicts with their existing rights, is too descriptive or doesn’t meet registration criteria.

A legal challenge to a proposed trademark’s registration is known as a trademark opposition. In Canada, a counterstatement must be submitted within two months of receiving the opposition notice to respond to a trademark objection. 

Collect compelling evidence to support the uniqueness, past use, or legality of your trademark. 

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Ensure you pay the filing fee, avoid using another company’s registered logo, and provide a complete description of your commodities and services.


To register a logo, you must apply with a description and an invoice to pay the registration fee.

You can register your company name and logo for maximum protection.

You cannot register a logo identical or similar to official marks, such as the Canadian flag unless you have permission from the authorized agency.
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